Social Media helps advertisers improve the return they earn on their multi-million dollars investments Social Media has changed the game for Super Bowl advertisers. A recent study by communications research firm, G&R, shows that social media enables advertisers to multiply the efficiency of their advertising investment by increasing the number of people who see the […]
Tag Archives | social media

Giving Super Bowl Advertising a Buzz: Infographic
An infographic showing G&R’s findings from our annual Super Bowl survey. For more detailed information, click here.
Tags: advertising, buzz, infographic, marketing research, SBXLVIII, social media, Super Bowl
View Full PostGiving Super Bowl Advertising a Buzz: Social Media Initiators Influence Super Bowl Advertising Buzz and Buy Advertised Products
Super Bowl watching is a social experience. We watch the game eagerly for its pomp and competitiveness, but also to assemble with friends and family, be part of a community, and engage with others as the show and the advertising unfold. We share food and drink. We talk before during and after the game. And, […]
Tags: advertising, buzz, copy testing, G&R, marketing research, metrics, Norms, research, SB, social media, Super Bowl, XLVIII
View Full PostWhat the New Facebook Research Teaches Us about Advertising Effectiveness
It’s been about a year since GM made the big announcement that it was pulling its Facebook advertising. GM cited advertising on Facebook as being “ineffective” just days before Facebook went public. Since then, Facebook shares are down about 30% and about 15% so far this year as doubts about its business model remain. Social […]
Facebook Home: Dinner
Facebook Home should take its tone from Apple’s heart not Groupon’s satire.
Tags: AdHaikuesday, advertising, commercial, Facebook, Facebook Home, heart, satire, social media
View Full PostGoogle+: New Dad
Google+ connects with feelings, but “a plus” won’t dethrone Facebook’s reign.
Tags: AdHaikuesday, advertising, commercial, emotion, Google, persuasion, social media
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