Washed out image and weary copy makes for worn out advertising.

Washed out image and weary copy makes for worn out advertising.
A good selling point, well executed, helps put money in the bank.
Tags: ad haiku, adhaikuesay, advertising, Advertising Effectiveness, execution, print, selling point
View Full PostAds this hard to read waste communication and lose potential sales.
Tags: ad haiku, Ad Haikuesday, communications effectiveness, magazine, print, readability
View Full Post“New” sometimes speaks for itself, but a strong ad would amplify it more.
A question headline can work when the answer is directly in reach.
Misdirection’s a significant failing in print advertising.
An ad seven years old today; as great now as it was way back then.
Many ideas but little space; best ads focus on what matters most.
An ad that is based on art rather than craft, looks good but sells little.
No matter how much they seek to say, ads must be inviting to read.
Tags: ad haiku, AdHaikuesday, advertising, engagement, headline, pharmaceutical, print
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