Americans love their Super Bowl. But what they like about it can vary significantly, like so much else, depending on political party affiliation.

Americans love their Super Bowl. But what they like about it can vary significantly, like so much else, depending on political party affiliation.
To the many differences between Democrats and Republicans, add a new one that is particularly relevant at this time of year. Democrats and Republicans feel differently about the Super Bowl broadcast. According to G&R’s Annual Super Bowl Viewership Study[1], Republicans were 50% more likely than Democrats to identify the game itself as their favorite part […]
Much has been written about the different demographics and views that Clinton and Trump supporters hold of our changing nation. Add to that now an indication that Clinton and Trump supporters may also differ in how they process messaging. In a new study, Trump supporters showed higher levels of positive emotional response and lower levels […]
Thoughts on the Use of Online Opinion Polling by a Gray Lady and a Peacock To qualify candidates for the recent 2015 GOP debate, Fox News used results from polls conducted by Bloomberg, CBS News, Fox News, Monmouth University and Quinnipiac University. The fact that all five studies were conducted via telephone is not a […]