Story-telling has its place, but folks need more than cute to buy a car.

Story-telling has its place, but folks need more than cute to buy a car.
Tags: ad haiku, AdHaikuesday, advertising, commercial, persuasion, story telling
View Full PostProblem: Settling for Engagement. As media choices grow, engagement has received interest as a metric for elevating cross-media assessment. All eyeballs are not equal and some media channels, particularly digital ones, assert they are better than others at delivering eyeballs that matter more to a particular brand. Engagement focuses on the qualitative side of communication […]
Tags: advertising, Advertising Effectiveness, attentioning, brand, brand-building, consumer, engagement, persuasion, recall, research
View Full PostMarketing ROI calculations often measure activities such as sales, inquires, and clicks to gauge the effectiveness of a program. The strength is that these measure what someone actually does, as opposed to what he or she says they will do. However, activities, even ones as concrete as sales, are short-term behaviors; what someone does today […]
Tags: advertising, Advertising Effectiveness, brand, brand-building, consumer, couponing, engagement, long-term, loyalty, persuasion, recall, relationship, research, short-term, trial
View Full PostMany of today’s commercials over-use entertainment to engage audiences. A well-known celebrity, an amusing spokesperson, a well-told story, a parade of appealing images will attract audiences and increase ad liking. But when a TV spot or a print ad relies too heavily on liking, the core selling message is often missed and the full power […]
A leading biopharmaceutical company was preparing to launch a new product into the U.S. market. Concerned about the fallout from potential negative news reports about the product, they developed a consumer directed messaging program to help answer potential consumer questions and concerns about the product. They enlisted G&R to pre-test the communications program. G&R recommended […]
New users buy brands that changed. Core users buy brands that stay the same.
Tags: Ad, AdHaikuesday, advertising, brand switching, core, easter, Jello, loyalty, persuasion, print
View Full PostMany companies use Content Marketing to supplement traditional marcom channels and communicate new information via a variety of alternative media contexts. Recently, a prominent hospital launched a custom magazine publication in an effort to grow awareness in the healthcare market, communicate with leading medical, academic, and business influencers, and position the hospital as the definitive […]
Raising awareness or encouraging behavior modification for a social or public health issue is quite a different communications challenge than persuading consumers to purchase commercial products. Campaign designers and funding sources face two underlying questions: 1) is a campaign worth the investment of time and resources; and 2) how does one increase the chances that […]
Google+ connects with feelings, but “a plus” won’t dethrone Facebook’s reign.
Tags: AdHaikuesday, advertising, commercial, emotion, Google, persuasion, social media
View Full PostWill provocative food advertising lead to lasting persuasion?
Tags: Ad, AdHaikuesday, advertising, buzz, food, Miracle Whip, persuasion, print
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