Earned immersive ads can be strong alternatives to paid TV spots.

Earned immersive ads can be strong alternatives to paid TV spots.
Tags: advertising, commercial, commercials, ford, mustang, online. earned media, viral marketing
View Full PostSocial Media helps advertisers improve the return they earn on their multi-million dollars investments Social Media has changed the game for Super Bowl advertisers. A recent study by communications research firm, G&R, shows that social media enables advertisers to multiply the efficiency of their advertising investment by increasing the number of people who see the […]
Corporate advertising is sometimes portrayed as a wasteful use of corporate resources. Critics say it is self-indulgent ego-stroking by management that often backfires to reflect negatively on the company and/or is seen by consumers who don’t like or understand it. (See typical talking points with a good example of how not to do corporate advertising […]
Comparative ads work best when the matters they compare matter most.
Tags: advertising, commercial, commercials, comparative ads, copy testing, holiday, Microsoft, product comparison
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