Americans love their Super Bowl. But what they like about it can vary significantly, like so much else, depending on political party affiliation.

Americans love their Super Bowl. But what they like about it can vary significantly, like so much else, depending on political party affiliation.
In a new study of hotel advertising, G&R has found large differences in the levels of positive emotional activation that are produced across individual hotel commercials. The most activating hotel commercials can be 4 times as activating as the weakest ones. (more…)
G&R research shows that narrative advertising helps Super Bowl advertisers improve the return they earn on their multi-million dollars investment A recently published study by communications research firm G&R shows that Super Bowl advertising is more effective when it tells a story than when it presents information. At the broad level, there are two forms […]
Social Media helps advertisers improve the return they earn on their multi-million dollars investments Social Media has changed the game for Super Bowl advertisers. A recent study by communications research firm, G&R, shows that social media enables advertisers to multiply the efficiency of their advertising investment by increasing the number of people who see the […]
A leading biopharmaceutical company was preparing to launch a new product into the U.S. market. Concerned about the fallout from potential negative news reports about the product, they developed a consumer directed messaging program to help answer potential consumer questions and concerns about the product. They enlisted G&R to pre-test the communications program. G&R recommended […]
It’s been about a year since GM made the big announcement that it was pulling its Facebook advertising. GM cited advertising on Facebook as being “ineffective” just days before Facebook went public. Since then, Facebook shares are down about 30% and about 15% so far this year as doubts about its business model remain. Social […]
Spring has arrived and with it major league baseball, game broadcasts, and warm weather advertisements. It’s a great time for baseball fans and for advertising fans. The contrasts between the commercials that air between innings and pitching changes are almost as compelling as games between teams dominated by Moneyball influences versus those driven by old […]
Many companies use Content Marketing to supplement traditional marcom channels and communicate new information via a variety of alternative media contexts. Recently, a prominent hospital launched a custom magazine publication in an effort to grow awareness in the healthcare market, communicate with leading medical, academic, and business influencers, and position the hospital as the definitive […]
Raising awareness or encouraging behavior modification for a social or public health issue is quite a different communications challenge than persuading consumers to purchase commercial products. Campaign designers and funding sources face two underlying questions: 1) is a campaign worth the investment of time and resources; and 2) how does one increase the chances that […]
Quietly tucked away, in the moments before kick-off, “Mean” Joe Greene returned to the Super Bowl this year. In a new ad for Downy, the former football pro reprised his role from the classic Coca-Cola commercial that originally aired in 1980. Only this time, Greene is sniffing fabric freshener instead of gulping Coke. Created for […]