When sugar was fine, a Coke ad could be just sweet. Now, neither is true.

AdHaikuesday is a collection of musings about advertising offered weekly by G&R in the 17-syllable Haiku style.
Each month, we use the experience we’ve gained through our 60 years of advertising research and 200,000 ad tests to comment on the successes, short-comings, elements, and approaches of current advertising creative.
We encourage readers to suggest alternative haiku about the advertising we feature, or share their own haiku on our Facebook page.
When sugar was fine, a Coke ad could be just sweet. Now, neither is true.
Tags: ad haiku, adhaikuesda, advertising, Coca-cola, commercial, holidays, soft drinks
View Full PostProblem-related visuals work harder when they show solutions.
Tags: ad haiku, Ad Haikuesday, advertising, Advertising Effectiveness, print ad
View Full PostMany ideas but little space; best ads focus on what matters most.
An ad that is based on art rather than craft, looks good but sells little.
Good corporate ads show what a company does and why it matters.
Tags: ad haiku, AdHaikuesday, commercial, Corporate Advertising, pharmaceutical
View Full PostTrusted spokespeople, powerful visuals make a persuasive case.
Too many ideas in one ad can confuse and turn off the reader.
Tags: ad haiku, AdHaikuesday, advertising, Advertising Effectiveness, magazine, print ad
View Full PostA guide for cogent corporate advertising: sincere, not fulsome
Bad for Time; just six paid ads. Good for sponsors; ads more surely stand out. Sensational or responsible. Is porn too hardcore for sponsors?
Fresh ways that show what you are, win more than doting on what you are not.