At a Glance
- Marketing research company focused on effective advertising content and brand communications.
- Proprietary measures and expertise using quantitative survey research and neuroscience valence measurement.
- Proven experience in all media, including TV, Digital, Print and Radio.
- Founded in 1948 by George Gallup and Claude Robinson.
- Over 200,000 ads tested to date.
- The first advertising research company.
A Closer Look
G&R is a specialty marketing research whose mission is to enable our clients to create more effective advertising. We offer a unique toolkit of interlocking services that employ sales-validated methods for developing and improving messaging performance. We work in all media, at every stage of completion, from concepts to in-market campaigns, and are experienced with all forms of data gathering, from in-person, telephone, web to neuro-physiological. In our more than 75 years we have extensively studied every major B2B and B2C audience segment and developed one of the most extensive knowledge bases about ad effectiveness in the world.
Why We Are Different: Research Excellence, The Gallup Legacy

Excellence has been part of our DNA since our founding in 1948 by George Gallup and Claude Robinson, two of the pioneers in survey research. George Gallup is the eponymous name for polling worldwide and his vision and influence continue to grow. Claude Robinson was a giant in his own right. He was an innovator of public relations science, the first presidential pollster, and founder of Opinion Research Corporation (ORC), a leading business research company.
Research excellence for us is all about the details. One the surface, research can seem like a commodity. One number looks like another. But the worth of the two can differ significantly depending on how the data is gathered, processed and analyzed.
Our mission is to deliver superior research that adheres to exacting and time-tested standards for quality, responsiveness, and value. We treat your business as if it were our business, building our craft on the following four core values:

Validated Measures
Our marketing research solutions are built on experience and knowledge. Each has been rigorously validated by us and by others to ensure that they deliver what they purport to deliver. From the 1950s when our work was substantiated by the ANA to the 2000s when we became the only research supplier to participate in the ARF’s first three engagement investigations, our solutions have been battle-tested to help companies make better marketing decisions.

Fact-Based Insights
Intuition and “fast thinking” are critical to making sound marketing decisions. But they are also biased and contain blind spots. Our focus is on fact-based insights and “slow thinking.” which reduces decision-making risk. We work to squeeze in much fact-based meaning with as little error as possible.

Advanced Technologies
Marketing research operates at the intersection of people and methods. From interviewing to processing to analysis to reporting, we invest in technologies to improve the capabilities of our people and methods. Breakthrough measurement constructs like Advanced Persuasion, Transportation, and Facial EMG, leading edge analytics like Advertising Response Modeling and Concept Convergence Analysis, and proprietary research apps like WebScape, TOES, and STEM uniquely enhance our value.

Small-Batch Virtues
In today’s knowledge economy, widespread automation and large analytic often win in terms of efficiency. However, small specialized partners can often win on efficacy. that’s because smaller marketing research firms think more deeply within their niche and offer valuable specialized expertise. In addition, clients receive direct and continuous access to the company’s best resources, without the conflict with other business interests that larger organizations inevitably have.
Our team
Stefanie Dursin
Stefanie has a deep practical understanding of survey and fEMG communications research methods. She is a seasoned practitioner in all aspects of G&R’s self-report studies, including design, deployment, reporting and analysis. She has helped develop a unique method for applying conjoint analytic techniques to increase power and reduce costs when investigating messaging options. She is also the company’s principal investigator in neuro-physiological research, including design, recruitment, administration and analysis. Stefanie is a graduate of Smith College.
Scott Purvis
Scott has twenty-five years of experience in marketing research. Many of those years have been spent in working with elite national advertisers in the healthcare, packaged goods, food, automotive, technology and financial services categories. He is the principal researcher on many published and proprietary studies and the co-developer of CERA – a neuro-physiological technique for measuring emotional valence in advertising. Scott holds a BS in Linguistics and a JD from Georgetown University, and an MBA from George Washington University.

A Sense of Vision
G&R's History of Advertising Research Expertise
During the 1920’s and 1930’s, TV was no more than a laboratory curiosity; 40 years later, it was the dominant media form in the world. By the turn of the millennium, U.S. advertisers spent $120 billion in measured media and television accounted for almost half (47% or $56.8 billion). During the 1970's and 1980s, Digital was just an idea, 40 years later, it had become the dominant advertising delivery vehicle. In 2024, US advertisers spent $389 billion in measured media, with Digital replacing television and accounting for over three quarters (78% or $302.6). During much of this time, G&R has been a leading research partner in helping companies harness the powerful force of content. Over the years, G&R has innovated many of the research techniques that are now standards in the industry.